enabling Verbose logs for me?

Alejandro L.3:26 PM

This is done through the Registry Editor.

Alejandro L.3:26 PM

Follow these path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\G Suite Sync\

Alejandro L.3:26 PM

You have to create a new Key under G Suite Sync called Tracing.

MOST (Account used by MOST for tech support)3:26 PM


Alejandro L.3:27 PM

Inside the Tracing key folder, create a DWORD with the value "ff"

MOST (Account used by MOST for tech support)3:28 PM


Alejandro L.3:28 PM

Once you enable Verbose. you must reboot the computer and reproduce the issue.

Make sure that when the issue is being reproduced, to mark the exact timestamp (Hour:Minute:Seconds and Timezone).

C:\Users\your-user-name\AppData\Local\Google\Google Apps Sync\Tracing\

You upload to Google Drive and share it to alejandro0780@noreply.googleapps.com and make sure the sharing permissions allow anyone with the link to view the file.